A sneak peek into our daily life….
BD likes to challenge our son D..and takes Fatherly pride in the fact , that at the tender age of 3 he can do 15 proper push ups in a row.. As I have mentioned before BD used to play sport professionally, and as such is very competitive by nature…We found out the little guy could do push ups about 8 months ago, and since that time at any family gathering, web cam session with friends and relatives back in the UK or when any of his friends visit the house and D is around BD shows off his sons party trick…..now don’t get me wrong, I find it funny, and can easily turn into the generic ‘proud mum’ that thinks her kid is ‘ever so advanced’, BD however never seems to tire of it, and if the poor kid is not feeling like showing off that day ( which to be honest doesn’t happen very often) , or is too distracted to do them properly BD threatens him with things like..”if you want to go swimming tomorrow..you’ll do 10 push ups” or he’ll offer gum or ice cream as an incentive ..poor kid, he falls for it every time..and does his trick and Daddy is satisfied once more..That was until the other night when D finally realized what BD was up to, and after the asking, pleading, reverse psychology( “ I don’t think you can even do push ups “) failed , the threats became the last resort…..” If you don’t do 5 push ups your not going to the beach this weekend” D looked long and hard at BD and said .. “Daddy you’re fired! “ …I was having my 1 glass of wine ( BD bought me a bottle for a surprise, as I had a really long day at work) , and snorted so hard that the mouth full of wine I had been savoring shot up the back of my nose and frothed out my nostrils…..What a classic retort from a 3 year old! He really does make me laugh!
I can only imagine what a zoo this place is going to turn into with 2 more kids....
This is too much. I'm not even going to tell my husband what your son can do! :) I never tire of reading "out of the mouth of babes" posts.
It's safe to say that your two little ones on the way are going to have one great teacher in their big brother! Kids are so beautiful because of this type of spontaneity. May it never end!!
Hey slw, just dropped by to see how you were doing after discovering you blog not too long ago. It's been a while since your last post... hope it just means you're getting plenty of rest and you and your little ones are ok!
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